Saturday, 24 September 2011

How do you change your name and does it cost money ?

I'm not talking about by marriage I mean like change your entire name to a new name but the only thing that would stay the same is the MIDDLE NAME. Only the first and last would be changed.

Example :

Name : Christina Lee Mills

Changed To : Tina Lee Lopez

How do you do that ? And if costs money how much ? To change your first and last name but not your middle. The middle name stays the same.How do you change your name and does it cost money ?Why would you want to change your name? The name you want is... just a nickname of your original name! So why don't you just tell everyone to call you Tina?
How do you change your name and does it cost money ?
best answer is a dumb *** blonde ***** wtf....

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How do you change your name and does it cost money ?
that sounds like a lot of paper work

i hear it's 2 grand to change ur name
You have to change your name legally.
go to court
it's kinda not worth it, you have to go through the court systems several times, change all your papers and documents, pay a few hundred bucks along the way. its more of a hassle than anything.
Yes you can through the courts, and I'm sure theres a fee just dont know how much, you can google it.
you have to go to court and tell the judge why you want to change your name if he agrees he will grant u the name change
tina, you fat lard eat your food dumb llama

lmao. tina is from christina so you dont have to pay?

and just marry a guy with the last name lopez and your all set.
um you can change it but it cost ALOT they have to go to your birth certificate change that legalize it then get you to sign it . then they have to go to your drivers license and change your name soo good luck with that
Little bit of googling got me this.
u have to go to a court house and ask for a name change
Well, It costs about or somewhere around $250 and you have to go to a courthouse to get it changed, then your previous name gets printed in the newspaper about the fact that you changed your real name to whatever it may be.
I think you could just go down to the court admin office and ask for a name changing form or something. and they also have a for to wave the filing fees, but you have to qualify to get that.
You have to go to court, do tons of paperwork and law stuff.

it costs money depending on the way to do it.

talk to a lawyer?

its not worth it if you ask me.
u have to go into court and stuff

umm im not sure how much it is but u can always call the nearst court near u and ask them
you would have to change all of the paper work on you including a new birth certificate/etc.

Waste of time and money really.
why would you want to change your name?? Its the name that your parents and God gave you......It is you own personal Identity and it proves that you are different. Why would you change that?
hey there...yeah it costs a lot of money depending on where you it's $200.00...but then you have to change all your identification as well which also costs you money.....hope it helps happy new year!

oh and you have to go to your city hall but again i would imagine every country is different....