Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you legally change your name?

I was born in Korea and my Korean name is Jae Hyuk. It's Jae for the first name and Hyuk for middle. Unfortunately, my grandfather 18 years ago made my name Say Hyuk on the legal docs when I came to America so wherever I go, my name shows up as %26quot;Sa%26quot;. That's absolutely ridiculous!

I just turned 18 and I graduate high school this June. I'd like to change my first name before I enter college and find a job. Does anyone know how much it'll cost and where to do it? A family friend (who is a lawyer) said to just google %26quot;legally change name%26quot;. I did but honestly I can't trust a majority of these sites because they look so cheap and looks like it was designed by a middle schooler who just figured out what Photoshop is.

Could anyone suggest a trustworthy site or an alternative means of changing my first name?How do you legally change your name?First, can I assume you are a full US citizen now? If not ignore everything I'm about to write and contact immigration.

You will need to file a request to the local court. Since you didn't tell us what state that is we can't tell you what court.

Call your county clerks office and ask them.

P.S. The Social Security Administration has nothing to do with name changes other than you will need a new Social Security card after the judge grants a name change.
How do you legally change your name?
Call up your local social security administration (SSA) office. They are in charge of issuing you a new SS card, which officially changes your name. Once you change your name through them, you can go get a new driver's license, and all of the rest of your legal papers.