i wanted to change my name (i wanted to add my husbands surname) in the naturalization certifcate as i wanted to get my new passport with my new name and i was told that what ever name ispresent in naturalization certificate, i get the passport with that name only, so i request you friends to guide me to change my name. i live in birmingham, united kingdom and i already got my naturalization certificate in which my name is associated with my fathers surname.
please help meHow to change name in naturalization certificate after naturalization?Speak to the people who issued the cert and ask them if you can change the name on it. To be honest, I think someone in the passport office is messing you around, if every woman who got married and changed her passport to her married name had to go back and change all their documentation we'd be in a hell of a mess.
I think you also need to go back to the office you spoke to about applying for a passport and speak to them again - explain that you have married since the cert was issued and you would like your passport in your married name, if you present all your documentation as well as the marriage certificate will it be enough?
It's also worth pointing out when you marry it's not actually a legal requirement to change to your husband's surname, it's customHow to change name in naturalization certificate after naturalization?got to an embassy or to the office.