Monday, 17 October 2011
How do you change the name of your hotmail account without losing it?
I want to change the name of my hotmail account, but I don't want to lose my account, and lose all my contacts on the MSN.How do you change the name of your hotmail account without losing it?it's not possible to rename an account. The only way is creating a new account and keeping the old one. If you wanna add the contacts of the old MSN-account to the new one just go to %26quot;Contacts %26gt;%26gt; Save instant Messaging Contacts%26quot; to save the contacts to a file, then log-in to the new MSN-account and go to %26quot;Contacts %26gt;%26gt; Import instant Messaging Contacts%26quot;How do you change the name of your hotmail account without losing it?i think it is not practical to change account name with out loosing itHow do you change the name of your hotmail account without losing it?I'm not entirely sure you can. You could probably save your address book somehow..or copy all the information down.