Can I change my first and last name? Or just first,
Also, on things like my birth certificate..does the name on that change? Or would my name be like, 2 names? My chosen first + last name - real first and last name. ?How do you legally change your name in NY?If NY is like Minnesota you have to fill out some court documents and list the reason why you want it changed. In most cases it is approved without too many questions. You cannot use a number in the name. The name XY715 would be denied. The name must also consist of a certain number of letters. For instance, you can't change your name to Q. Most court will also not allow you to use a celebrity name. For example...changing your name to Brittany Spears, Ronald Reagan or Elvis Presely would not be allowed.
I believe that the filling fee is around $300. You will not get a new birth certificate. The court will give you a legal document to verify the name change, much in the same way it gets changed in a marriage. You can use it to apply for a new driver's license and other documents. You are allowed to change both names if you so desire.
The court may frown upon an 18 years old changing their name. However if they deem it a good enough reason it would probably be granted.
My friend had her last name changed at age 16. Her father was a well know criminal in the area, and he also sexually abused her. Her mother got remarried, so she took the mother's new last name. She didn't want anything to do with his last name. The court granted the request without question.