Monday, 17 October 2011
How do you legally change your name?
I am changing my first name and am wondering how to start. I live in Illinois and found a form I can fill out. What do I do after I fill out that form and is it difficult to change your name?How do you legally change your name?in the case of first names loads of people go through life being known by either nicknames or sometimes if given two more christian names at birth they use a second or third name as a first name you must however enter your correct first name on driving licences and tax documents and anything to do with government .changing a surname on the other hand is a problem because it has to relate to your social security number and would involve full legal action and be subject to government acceptance after i imagine very deep and searching enquiries into your background and motives for wanting to dissappear .the only easy way if you are female is to get married! assuming you do legally change your name the downside is you will have no credit rating ,money in the bank may be inaccessible until the bank gets official confirmation and credit cards would need to be reapplied for and you will need to change your passport and be a new applicant .it will be hassle at every turn because you may be a criminal or an illegal immigrant ---i hope your name is really worth changing it sounds expensiveHow do you legally change your name?You will need an attorney to do it legallyHow do you legally change your name?No you don't need an attorney. It's a process that will take a couple of months and cost around 80-150 dollars. First you go to your local circuit court and file a petition for a name change. Some counties make you run an ad in the news paper to see if anyone objects. If no one objects then the judge will ask you why you want it changed, if he sees no objections he will grant it. You can most likely pick up a packet at your courthouse, the clerk usually has them.You file your form at the courthouse, publish a notice in the newspaper and attend a hearing.