Friday, 7 October 2011

How old do you have to be to LEGALLY change your name in the state of California?

And how would I go about doing this?

I want to legally change my name. How would I do this and how old do I have to be? Can a 13 year old get this process done?

I would really appreciate to hear from anyone who has done this before. Please tell me of your experience. Thank you.How old do you have to be to LEGALLY change your name in the state of California?If the person is under 18 years of age, by one of the person's parents, if living, or if both parents are dead, then by the guardian of the person and, if there is no guardian, then by some near relative or friend of the person or (b) as provided in Section 7638 of the Family Code.
How old do you have to be to LEGALLY change your name in the state of California?
You need to have your legal guardians present or be legally able to take care of your self.

It's pretty easy I had it done with parents the longest part was the drive and the wait then it took like 45 seconds name changed. I was eleven in San Diego CA
How old do you have to be to LEGALLY change your name in the state of California?
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